Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Rickrolls Players
Never Gonna Give You Up is a pop song of Rick Astley from 1987, written and produced by Stock AItken Waterman. On the music video of the song, the Internet phenomenon is based Rickrolling. The newly released video game Guardia from the Marvel Galaxy of Square Enix and Eidos-Montreal is, of course, absolutely impregnated with music. Specifically, the music of the 80s. While Star-Lord s taste in music typically leans more towards metal and rock, the game actually includes «Never Gonna Give You Up» by Rick Astley as a particularly effective troll : Rickrolling players for choosing a bad choice. A promotional video published by the developer shows popular transmitters such as Drloup, Paladinamber and Dantdm playing through the video game only to start a Huddle, a special moment in combat where Star-Lord calls the guardians for a taller. Huddles presents two options, one of which is good and improves morality and gives increases in combat, while the other is... not excellent. The promo...